EPIHAVEN.COM for the very finest in quality Epiphyllums, Aporophyllums, Echinopsis, and Begonias.

"Space Rocket" Epiphyllum Hybrid **RARE**


There are only 2 items left in stock.

'Space Rocket' has  Breathtaking, raspberry-fuchsia, semi-double blooms with cerise mid-stripes reaching a mind-boggling 10+" across, making this one of the most lusted after “Orchid Cactus”.   Space Rocket flowers April-July, with blooms that number  25-30 when mature from pendulous, broad, flat foliage.

"Space Rocket" produces an X-Large flower. The flower is Raspberry-violet with a reddish cerise/orange midstripes.    The flower radiates colors of pink and orange.  This flower has a double overlapping wide open , bowl and saucer with radiating outer petals. These Epi's like to be cool in the winter and can remain quite dry during this period. The plant will start to flower in March-April and produce multitudes of large showy flowers. It is not unusual to have 25-35 buds in a mature healthy plant. This is a hardy grower and does best in a hanging basket.
