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Hybrid Dwarf Canna Lily Bulbs/Tubers with multiple eyes.


There are only 3 items left in stock.
2 bulbs/tubers for $14.99 (limited time special)
For best results, sow immediately onto a good soil-based compost. Cover the seeds with fine grit or compost to approximately their own depth. They can be sown at any time, as many seeds have built-in dormancy mechanisms, often waiting for natural spring germination, so then they have a full season of growth.  Canna Lilies bloom from midsummer to frost.  This dwarf variety Grows up to 20-24" tall, these reliable plants are often found in home gardens and public parks and spaces. Cannas thrive in full sun and heat and grow best in well-drained soils rich in organic matter and where they receive adequate  moisture. It appears that deer do not bother these plants.
